Thursday, February 24, 2011

We've Got Class

We've been able to restart preschool courses again! The littles L-O-V-E coming to the team house, the place I live, to play & learn. Here they learn some english & typical preschool stuff like letters, numbers, colors, etc. They are also given opportunity to develop social skills such as cooperation, taking turns, sharing & classroom etiquette to prepare them for public school. Pictured here are the littles who attend preschool, my special assistant (more on her in another entry) & Wee, a housemom.

If not for Love In Action-Cambodia these children would most likely spend their days in rice paddies as forced labor, begging & stealing on the streets of Phnom Penh either for themselves or an adult, or locked up in the rooms of kiddie-brothels. They are with us because their parents could not feed them but refused to sell them, because they were orphaned, or because they were abandoned.

It's quite common to see little ones sleeping in alleys, eating from trash bags & begging tourists. They often fall prey to adults in human trafficking & sex slavery & to perverted tourists. The going rate to purchase children is USD $20-100. To "rent" a child 3-8 years old generally costs $8 per day, $5 per day if you have your own room.

Even those living with their families are in danger of kidnapping & rape. There's not much to deter those perverts either. The penalty for raping a child is generally USD $100-200 "restitution" paid to the child's parents. Rapists who cannot afford the fine simply murder their victims after raping them so no charges can be brought against them. In many of the villages outside city limits parents prostitute their children to other villagers. One father bragged that his 12 year-old daughter could make upwards of $10 per week for the family.

Many parents put their children to work as early as 4 or 5 years old. Some sell books, postcards, site seeing maps, braided or beaded bracelets, or pirate DVDs in the tourist-y section of Phnom Penh. Some are trash pickers. Some beg or steal, or beg to create an opportunity to steal. I've met more than one child under 10 years old who are regularly abused (cigarette burns, black eyes, broken bones, etc.) by parents for not bringing in sufficient profit. I've also met a few children who've been kicked out of their homes because they cannot make satisfactory profit for their parents.

In our western world the option for preschool is a given even for the poorest of children, but we have to remember that "our world" is not the world.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Thanks to a couple of generous donors I was able to bring some nice embroidery floss for the older girls to make some bracelets. I will be mailing or bringing the bracelets to the States to sell & the money will be donated to missionaries in Kyrgyzstan. How cool is that?

It's important that the children realize their world is not the world. Know what I mean? It's easy to get wrapped in the details of daily living & lose sight of the fact that there are people living & dying elsewhere. It's easy to get caught in personal needs & desires & neglect the needs of others. It's easy to get trapped in a me-centered lifestyle & totally miss out on a full life, real life.

Yes, they're poor orphans who have a hard way to go, but, hey, we all have challenges to overcome. Too much focus on self produces blindness. Like Kieth Green used to sing, "It's so hard to see when my eyes are on me." Yeah? We can only keep a proper perspective of our own lives as we keep the lives of others in view as well.

I am tickled pink to report that the girls are very interested in what's going on in Kyrgyzstan & what my friends, Jed & Renee Gourley, are doing there. They are thrilled to know that they are participating in the work. I, too, am thrilled.

Special Notes


~Please keep praying for those dear-to-Jesus souls who snatched my stuff last time I was here. You are most likely the only person praying for them today!

~The border battle is increasing in violence. Please pray for true peace to come to that area & for the mediation meetings with the UN.

~I need a boost as I am more homesick (especially for husband Dave) than I've ever been & it's a drain on my enthusiasm for the work.

Monday, February 7, 2011

About LIA - Cambodia

Discipleship has always been God's plan for spreading knowledge of Himself thru'out the world. Exodus 18 outlines the plan beautifully. Moses' father-in-law Jethro points out that God's intention is not a one-man gig, that as pastor of Israel Moses is wearing out himself & the people by trying to handle the whole group on his own. He advises Moses to make more of his time available to pray for the people by training & supervising some reliable folks to train & supervise other folks to train & supervise folks. He advised Mo to teach them God's way of thinking & to show them how to live & carry out their work accordingly.

Later, in keeping with God's plan, Jesus did the same thing. He trained His disciples as Moses trained the elders of Israel (that is, trained trainers). Later still, that's what Jesus' diciples-turned-apostles did. They served as supervisors who devoted themselves to prayer & Bible study after they appointed some trained folks to the work. Paul an after-the-fact apostle of Jesus Christ did the same. Much of the New Testament is made up of his supervisory letters in which he says stuff like, "Remember when I taught you..." & "Remember when I was with you I showed you..."

We're doing the same here. Love In Action Training Centre is all about discipleship. Orphaned & at-risk children are housed, fed, educated, churched & discipled. [Yes, there's a HUGE difference between being churched & being discipled. Duh. One results in people warming pews for conscience's sake & the other results people setting the world ablaze for Christ.] The goal is to raise a generation of trained trainers to saturate their country with the knowledge of God. I serve LIA's residents, my sibs, as a trainer, a discipler. I invest myself in teaching them God's way of thinking & in showing them how that way plays out in everyday living by giving them as many opportunities as possible to practice what I preach. I encourage them as Paul encouraged Timothy: "Follow me as I follow Christ."

While I've been away from my sibs, I've sent epistles (read: supervisory emails) to encourage the older sibs to live up to what they already know & to keep passing on their knowledge in practical ways to our younger sibs. And, I've spent much more time in prayer for them too.

Some of the sibs are already beginning to train others thru participation in leading Sunday school classes, youth services & charity projects. It is in this way above all other ways that the Kingdom of Cambodia (& the rest of the world) will be changed for the better.


A few people have asked about mail. The postal system of Cambodia is quite different from the U.S. system, so my husband Dave is handling all mailing responsibilities. If you'd like something sent, please contact him as he will be mailing soon.

The incredible sacrifice God made to have relationship with us
The great honor of being welcomed into His life, His purpose & His plans
His great power to perfectly protect & preserve His people for His purpose
His provision for every little (& big) thing He plans & the astounding ways He provides
The encouragement & advice offered thru Serving As Senders by Neal Pirolo

Stanley family for the financial contribution
Kate Fields & Jane Truax for the Cambodia display
Mr. D. Tails for enthusiastic & diligent work on the prayer video
Layton & Sharon Sparks for faithful prayer help & the financial contribution
Grapevine dancers for the farewell party & financial contribution
Robyn Henderson for the Romans prayer & financial contribution
Rodenbeck family for the embroidery floss
Linda Graham for faithful prayer help, encouraging words from the Word & the financial contribution
Lori Prosser for the Thessalonians prayer
Storers, Straders, Marilyn Lashley, Kevin Prosser & Graysons for financial contributions
Drew Kos for encouraging words & for getting me to the airport across iced roads
All those praying for me & the work here in Cambodia
David Roe, my favorite & most dearly loved person "in the hulkin' tire world," for loving God more than he loves me or himself