Phaneth is an older boy who has something against foreigners &, much to his teacher's chagrin, has no interest in learning english. Unbeknownst to me, he spent an entire evening learning to speak clearly one sentence in english so he could tell me something. I was quite suspicious the following morning when he stepped virtually toe to toe with me & smiled real big as the other boys gathered around, for altho' Phaneth had been polite, he was definitely cool toward me. I was not at all prepared for the next moment tho'. Phaneth spoke, "Sees-TAH, I LOB yoooo." (Sister, I love you.)
Tou is a middle boy who has something against everyone & everyone knows it. Altho' he speaks english well, he never spoke to me (about me, yes, but not to me Hahahahahaha!). Every day I would touch him affectionately, albeit quickly, & whisper in his ear, "I love you." One day Tou rushed to the gate to meet me before the usual swarm of children could get to me. He lightly touched my arm & quietly said, "I love you." Astonished, I replied before thinking, "Really?" The biggest smile I've ever seen spread across his face as he looked me square in the eyes & matter-of-factly said, "Yes. Really." As he turned away I choked out, "I love you, Tou." Over his shoulder, still smiling, he said with confidence, "I know." By the way, that's a candid shot of Tou up there. Yeah, that's his usual relaxed-because-no-one-is-around expression.
A new little who was brought to us a few weeks ago. Other than crying, he hasn't made a sound. He stays away from all of us despite our best efforts to be friendly. He won't even voluntarily come near for rice! Yesterday while I was squatting to release another little I'd been holding as I walked from the gate to the house, the new boy approached & stood at my knees, head down. I slowly extended my hands toward him & he slowly stepped into my embrace. I whispered, "Up?" (The littles know this word very well as they love to be picked up.), he silently nodded. Once I was standing, he rested his head on my shoulder & wrapped his arms around my neck. We, & the rest of the household, stood silently, savoring this miraculous moment.
The love of Jesus is influencing lives here. It is softening & soothing hearts aching with resentment, loneliness & fear. These sweet & satisfying moments make the bitter & frightening moments bearable.
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