Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tape me to Jesus

Since August I have been praying God would display His glory & make His Presence known in Cambodia by performing signs & wonders while we're there. I've meditated on Bible passages such as Mark 11:23-26 & I've prayed Habakkuk 3:2 religiously. Recently God brought Acts 4:29,30 to my attention for meditation & prayer. "Now, Lord, consider their threats & enable Your servants to speak Your word with great boldness. Stretch out Your hand to heal & perform miraculous signs & wonders thru the name of Your holy servant Jesus." (NIV) Precisely what my heart's been hoping for! I've begun praying this little passage as well.

Last night at a footwashing ceremony the dear sister who washed my feet & blessed me told me that while she was praying for me, she was reminded of an illustration a preacher gave & sensed it was a lesson for me as well. The message was just this: The preacher taped his forearm to his assistant's forearm & explained that just as his "servant's" hand moved with his own, so we too are bound to the hand of God. As God's hand moves, even so His servant's hand - our hand - moves. I believe & receive that message. For we are indeed the Body of Christ, the physical carriers of His Presence, & "as Christ is, so are we in the world."

I'm realizing that as I ask God to "stretch our Your hand," I am asking Him to stretch out my hand.

So, my most earnest prayer has become, "LORD God, tape me to Jesus!"

Thanx Tammy.

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