Thursday, January 21, 2010

That's God

God had to provide absolutely everything for this trip. Ev-e-ry-thing. He had already miraculously provided the desire to go to Cambodia. I asked God to make me more loving & in His usual over-the-top fashion He gave me "exceeding abundantly above all that I asked or thought." That's God. Definitely God.

God also had to provide all else He instructed me to take along: a free bank account with easy access, a backpack to carry all my belongings in, good walking shoes, a notebook computer for communication purposes & lots of money. My own thinking said that a travelling companion would sure be nice too!

God directed me to a bank that was offering a new special that suited my needs perfectly. I have a free checking account that came with a free international debit card. If that weren't sweet enough, the gift for opening a checking account at that time was a traveler's backpack! Isaac was just opening an account too, so he gave me his backpack for whomever God would send with me. That's God.

God enabled me to purchase a great pair of sneakers that are lightweight, sturdy & easily slip on & off (we will be putting our shoes on & off frequently in Cambodia) at a tremendous bargain. I don't think I've bought shoes at this price since the early 1970s! That's God, for sure.

God also led me to purchase a notebook laptop within our budget limits that is very small in size so that I can easily carry it in my backpack. While picking up a few household necessities at a local department store God told me to go to the computer section. There it was...on sale. That's God, no doubt about it.

The greatest material need has been money. Plane tickets, required immunizations & medicines, passports, visas, room & board-it adds up fast & high. That doesn't even take into account ministry supplies & gifts. The money has been pouring in from the most unsuspected places. If you know God at all, you know that is sooo God.

As for the traveling companion, God truly surprised us. Isaac was a natural choice because he is an experienced missionary, spent about a month in Cambodia last year & would be capable of working with me like nobody else can, but he had other plans. We thought he would be in another mission field by December 2009. "A man makes plans, but the LORD orders his steps." Imagine our grateful thrill & comfort in knowing our son would be my travelling companion! I was (am) willing to go alone with God, happy to go with a friend, but absolutely ecstatic to go with Isaac. That is my God.

The greatest need overall is prayer support. The prayer support God has provided has been astounding. The congregation I'm a part of, Grace & Mercy Ministries, along with a few intimate friends outside the congregation have so thoroughly devoted themselves to pray that we will be steadily prayed for all day every day we're away. And, I'm certain they are already praying daily. That kind of loving committment is none other than God.

God has provided everything for this trip. E-ve-ry-thing. Well He should, for it proves it is His idea to accomplish His plans for His glory. Who else can take credit for what's been provided? None. That's God.

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